Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Grinch is the most important movie youll watch this holiday season

The Grinch is the fruchtwein important movie youll watch this holiday seasonThe Grinch is the most important movie youll watch this holiday seasonOne year, I watchedHowThe Grinch Stole Christmas(2003 Jim Carey version) every single day of December until Christmas. Its my favorite Christmas movie of all time, and I get excited every time its on Freeforms 25 Days of Christmas. Im a Grinchophile if you will.This year, as I embarked on my first Grinch watching experience of the season (homemade peppermint mocha in my favorite Christmas mug, plaid PJs, and setting up my Christmas tree), I noticed a lot more than how cute Cindy Lou Who is and how oddly relatable the Grinch is.The Grinchmight be the most culturally relevant Christmas movie of 2018.I know, youre probably thinking Im crazy. What aboutLove Actually? Um,Elf? Of course, I love pretty much every Christmas movie (exceptA Christmas Story 2 not sure what that was).The Grinch, however, tackles so many issues that were dealing with to day, and its pretty easy to miss it.I know Dr. Suess had a deeper intention in creatingThe Grinchaside from entertainment, but there is a lot more to the movie than one might think. Now, all we need is a sequel because I really want to see more of the Grinch and Martha May Whoviers love.Issues of waste and the environmentTheres a very obvious theme of overbuying for Christmas in the film, but the Grinch understands waste above all else. At the beginning of the film, he notes that its crazy what those Whos will throw away. After the Whobilation, the Grinch says that everything the Whos buy their friends and family for Christmas ends up in the landfill he lives in.By the end of the movie, the Whos start to understand that they focused too much on buying gifts for their family and friends rather than spending time with them for Christmas. While this is a small portion of the film, it definitely looks at how much waste we produce, especially in terms of overbuying and focusing on gifts as the main aspect of Christmas.Loneliness during the holidaysAs much as he doesnt want to admit it, the Grinch is very lonely in his lair away from Whoville. He talks to himself, comes down to Whoville to be around the people, and asks Max for his sedative to get rid of those pesky memories the day before Christmas. (Isnt this supposed to be for children?).Not everyone has friends or family to celebrate with during the holiday season, even though this is supposed to be the most magical time of the year. People also might have traumatic or sad memories around this time. This can lead to a lot of loneliness and sadness, and people who dont experience this might not always understand.The Grinchreally showcases this, and its such a good reminder to be there for the people you love during this time.BullyingAugustus Maywho is the WOAT. The way he treats the Grinch both when they were children, as well as in adulthood, is unacceptable, and the film shines a light on what this can do for p eople who experience it. The Grinch was bullied during Christmas, so he has a negative outlook on Christmas as a whole because of it.Not to mention, the mayor humiliates Cindy Lou Who after the Grinch takes the presents. (What a jerk). The film highlights how mean the Whos are to the Grinch and how its affected him throughout his life. Id suggest discussing this aspect of the film with everyone you watch it with, especially childrenRespecting peoples differencesCindy Lou Who, on the other hand, is the GOAT. She takes a chance on the Grinch when everyone else had ostracized him from their society. She is there for him when no one else is. She even invites him to the Whobilation and nominates him as the Holiday Cheermeister Cindy stops focusing on how the Grinch is different from everyone else and starts focusing on how similar he is to the rest of the Whos. She wants everyone to be together at Christmastime, including the Grinch.Cindy is definitely onto something, and I think we coul d all be a little more welcoming to others differences, particularly during the holidays.Finding joy after hardshipThe Whobilation wasnt necessarily a positive experience for the Grinch, and then he goes on to, you know, steal Christmas and all. However, he comes around, his heart grows to its muster size, and he finds happiness in Christmastime. He sees how happy the Whos are, even without presents and trees and feasts, and he joins them in celebration.Yeah, Grinch went off the deep end a little bit, but he comes around. If youre dealing with something, you, too, can come back from it.Are you a Grinchophile? What other Christmas movies do you love?This article first appeared on The EveryGirl.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Salary Too High What To Say To Not Get Ghosted.

Salary Too High What To Say To Not Get Ghosted.Salary Too High What To Say To Not Get Ghosted.INBOX Hi, Jewel. Ive been looking for a new job for more than 5 months now. I feel like 1 of the aufgabes is that, with my history in the tech realm, my salary was just too high. positiv I think Im being looked at like an older person (which I am), with recruiters thinking younger people are really the ones who are on top of technology, and they can pay them less. What do you think I should do? If your 1st inclination is to either overtly or covertly let the recruiter know that youre willing to come on board for less of a salary than what youre used to dont do it. Heres a key reason why getting a job pretty much any job delivers happiness in the short term. However, once the initial high wears off from those 1st few paychecks, the subsequent checks will just seem too small. Settling for a salary less than what you deserve does not bring you job, career, or life satisfaction in the long te rm.Get Your Mind And Your Info RightKindly dispense with any and all language about how youre affordable or willing to take whatevers offered. As a matter of fact, even before you dispense with the language, you have to get that type of thinking out of your mind.You have no reason to make peace with a pay cut, and then conduct your job search with that mentality. Take a moment to conduct some research on Glassdoor, and Quora these sites are reasonably reliable in providing you with salary guidelines, either for the exact role youre targeting or for similar roles and companies comparable in size in the same industry.Make aya you research not solely on job titles, but also read what theduties and responsibilities are. Senior IT Engineer means different things todifferent organizations, so dive into what the job entails, then look at thesalary these sites indicate.Delay The Discussion Nearly every candidate at some point in the search encounters a recruiter whos asking a bout salary requirements during the initial phone interview. Push back here yes, youre allowed to This is where you advocate for yourself, and not just succumb to someone elses definition of how youre job search is going to go.A simple response to give when the salary question comes up to early is to say, Respectfully, Id like to withhold salary discussions until after I have a better understanding of what the job entails. That is a polite, reasonable, professional statement to make.But what about when the recruiter continues to push? Your next response is, Ill be negotiable within the range the employer has in mind. And should the pushing continue, turn the tables and ask a question of your own, Would you mind sharing with me what the budgeted range is for this position? Youd be amazed at the number of times you pose that question that youll actually get the person on the other end of the conversation to give up a number first, so you dont have to. Hold Onto Your Worth If you ma ke a personal decision to accept less money for your next job, okay. Candidates do this all the time, for example, when they dont wish to be so large and in charge anymore, but just want to show up to work, spend 8 hours productively using some of their expertise, and leave.But if you decide to say your salary requirements are low just to get in the door, thats a different matter altogether, and you become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The basis for salary negotiations is not your compensation from your last job. The basis has to do with what this job entails, how well your expertise matches, and the degree to which youve proven based on past history that you can deliver.When you hold onto your worth, youre not disadvantaged when the real moment to negotiate arrives. Remember that moment is when youve received the offer, but before youve accepted it. Instead of going into this worried that youre overpriced, approach the interview and negotiation process confident that you can solve th e immediately problem the employer has, and deliver specific value over the long term. Then negotiate. The offer is unlikely to be sucked back during a reasonable negotiation.Theres a strategy that mature, experienced candidates are using to go into negotiations from a position of strength, and increase their compensation by the double digits. Find out how to do it by getting our cheat sheet and video training. Youll see the stories of real candidates all over age 50 who landed the roles they wanted quickly and happily accepted a salary increase.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Defining Virtual Work Heres What Each Term Means

Defining Virtual Work Heres What Each Term MeansDefining Virtual Work Heres What Each Term MeansAnyone who has ever done an online search for virtual work can tell you it can get rather confusing trying to sort through all the different ways to describe jobs done outside of a traditional office setting. As you scroll through flexible job listings, you will find virtual, remote, at-home, online, distributed, and telecommute jobs.All of these terms and buzzwords are used to describe work-at-home jobs. In many cases, these words are interchangeable and overlapping but there are some important distinctions as well. To add to the confusion, job seekers and employers tend to use different words to describe the same schrift of job.Below are some definitions of the most commonly used words to describe jobs done outside of traditional brick-and-mortar offices.If you are serious about landing a great work-at-home job, it is important to understand the terminology so you will know exactly what a future employer is going to expect from you.Definitions of Virtual WorkTelecommuteTelecommute was the original term for work-at-home jobs, initiated by NASA in 1973. Today, the term has become somewhat of a catch-all phrase to describe work that can be done entirely or occasionally outside a traditional office environment. All of the following words and phrases fall under the telecommuting category.Virtual WorkVirtual work implies individuals work from home offices using modern technology to get things done. Both traditional, office-based companies, and virtual companies- such as- hire individuals to work 100 percent of the time from home using the Internet. Employers tend to use this term frequently when looking for home-based workers.A virtual job is a 100 percent telecommuting job. These jobs are often seen with titles such as virtual teacher, virtual administrative assistant, or virtual salesperson.RemoteRemote jobs are done in remote locations away from the office. Depending on the position, a remote job could be done from a home office or, in the case of a salesman, could be done on the road or other location. This term is used quite often by employers and it can mean something different to each one. Make sure to read job descriptions very carefully when you come across this term to understand exactly what the hiring manager is looking for.Remote jobs are telecommuting jobs but the employer will typically specify where the work will take place and whether or bedrngnis any time is required in the office.At-homeAt-home jobs are jobs done at home. Similar to virtual work, at-home jobs- also known as home-based jobs- are typically done 100 percent of the time from a home office without required trips to the office. Whereas a virtual worker may have the freedom to work occasionally from a coffee shop or other location, at-home workers may be required to work out of a quiet home office or use special equipment.At-home jobs are typically 100 percent telecommu ting jobs with job titles such as customer support professional and transcriptionist.OnlineOnline jobs are done outside of the traditional office environment using the Internet. Similar to virtual work, online jobs can typically be done from any location as long as the appropriate technology is available. Although there are many legitimate online jobs worth checking out, this term is most often usedwith job scams and too good to be true work opportunities.Online jobs are 100 percent telecommuting jobs with job titles such as proofreader, writer, and data entry professional.DistributedThe term distributed gruppe is often used by employers when they are talking about groups of people who work across geographic boundaries and time zones. Distributed teams are similar to remote teams in that they work outside traditional offices. Unlike remote teams, however, all members of a distributed team work from home. is an excellent example of a distributed team. Although we are dispersed throug hout the country, we have programs and technology in place to help us feel connected to each other and our jobs.Distributed teams telecommute 100 percent of the time and hire for a variety of job titles such as visual designer, web engineer, writer, and web strategist.Companies hire both employees and freelancers for virtual jobs. Positions can bepart-time, flexible schedule, or 9-to-5, and location specific or available anywhere there is appropriate technology.Although these definitions should give you some insight into what the various terms for work-at-home jobs mean, make sure to read each job description carefully and ask questions during your interview to fully understand whatis expected of you.Find a Virtual Job

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Personal Thank-You Letter Example

Personal Thank-You Letter ExamplePersonal ThankThroughout your career, from your first entry-level position through retirement, you will encounter many people who will provide you with help and guidance. Take the time tothank these people with a personal thank-you letter. Sending a thank-you note is almost always a good idea. If youre ever in doubt about whether or not to send a note, err on the side of sending it. Sending a thank-you note will encourage people to help you and other job binnenseekers again, so this is an important courteous gesture. Thank you letters dont need to be complicated or overly long and can be written in the form of a formal business letter, as an schmelzglas, or as ahandwritten thank you card. What to Include in Your Letter Clearly, themost important information to include in your noteis your appreciation for the assistance your friend or colleague has provided. Be specific about what the person has done and how it has helped you in your job search.T hank them for their help, and if theyre personal friends, you may want to offer to return the favor if ever possible. Personal Thank You Letter Example See below for an example of a personal thank-you letter you can send topeople who have assisted you with your job search, as well as tips for how and when to send your letter, and what information to include within it. Your NameYour AddressYour City, State Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear First Name,(or Mr./Ms. Last Name if you dont know them well)Thank you for all the assistance you have provided me during my job search.I appreciate the information and advice you have given, as well as the connections you have shared with me. Your expertise and help have been invaluable during this process.Again, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate your generosity.Best Regards,Signature(hard copy letter)Your Name Expand The Best Format for a Personal Thank-You Letter There are t hree basic options for how to send a thank-you letter. Heres what you should know about each one Business letterThis is a good option for mora formal connections perfect for people who have offered you assistance but that you normally dont see on a social basis. Youll need to include contact information for both you and the letters recipient, asalutation, and acomplimentary close. Look at the example above or read more information on how toformat a business letter. Dont forget to personally sign the letter, and of course, in order to mail this letter, youll need to have your contacts mailing address. An email thank youIf you are sending a thank you message through email, be sure to include your name and thank you (FirstName LastName - Thank You) in the subject line of the email. Or just include your first name and thank you (FirstName - Thank You) if you know the person well. This is a good option for both formal and informal connections. You can use it to thank a former colleague o r a friend who introduced you to a connection. Heres more information onhow to send email thank you lettersandguidelines for writing professional email messages. A thank-you cardOne other option is to mail a thank-you card. Use nice stationery or a thank-you card, and your best handwriting. This is a more personal option. Sending a handwritten thank-you note is more common in some industries, such as nonprofit and publishing, than in others. Use your best judgment if a handwritten note will be well received. Remember to proofread carefully. It can be helpful to type and spellcheck your note first and then hand copy it onto your notecard. Send Your Thank You Letter Right Away Aim to send your thank you note soon after youve received the help the same day if possible, especially if youre mailing a business letter or thank-you card. Dont wait too long because a late thank you letter may seem more like an afterthought, or worse, you may forget to send the note at all.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Review of Solution Architect Resume

A Review of Solution Architect Resume Solution Architect Resume - Is it a Scam? Job aspirants should take note of a resume template rather than a program load vitae template. Job summary helps deliver the amount of experience youve got in the designated field. Candidate 1 and candidate 2, who possess the exact same strengths, put in an application for a job. This sample is completely editable and free. Another very simple tip you may apply to improve your professional experience section is bucketing and bolding. You will also need to hope that its set up using the right format. That means you should have an integrated ON-LINE and OFF-LINE job search strategy to accomplish your dream job. You need to understand what it is that will truly make you happy BEFORE you go searching for a different job. Some resumes are reviewed by many unique employers and dont give them with the information that they are looking for. It is extremely easy to find examples for resumes which are jo b specific. Since applying online for job openings is so simple, everyone does it. Many employers are created immediately suspicious by these resumes because they are also often utilized to hide spotty employment records. To produce this section, you will need to underline the duties and duties of the job, which youve done before with different firms. If you are aware that you simply have a limited time to receive something done, youre a whole lot more likely to keep on task than you are if no such deadline was in place. Solution Architect Resume Ideas This Import Export Manager titelbild Letter was made by myself. Based on your specialisation for a solution architect, the subsequent certifications can make your resume stand out in the opinion of the recruiter. Resumes have changed over time. It is critical to go through company specific Resume. Hiring managers are searching for business outcomes. Job aspirants ought to be mindful of a resume template in the place of a pro grams vitae template. A CV may also be described as an advertising device an individual uses to endorse himself. Producing your resume is important. Top Solution Architect Resume Secrets A solution architect also has to be able to observe the huge picture, combining elements of company, technology, and data into a unified whole. In contrast to widespread belief this strategy isnt as effective as one could think. It makes the total configuration procedure and the administration process more efficient if it is simpler to understand by others. It will be helpful if you may form the very starting to have a really very good understanding of the cloud system. You have to be ready with a succinct description of yourself and your experience that provides the interviewer a concept of what you will bring to the position. If networking makes you uncomfortable, here are a couple questions that you could ask a person to find the conversation rolling a. The reality is, you get a wonderfu l deal of control over your circumstance. If you receive the interviewer to smile back, you are going to be at ease. Today there continue to be huge numbers of people out of work. It is crucial to know the ideal individuals sp that youre able to fulfill their requirements, from the school principal, to the teachers and the staff. The expression biodata, which very few men and women know stands for biographical data, is normally utilized in the health care field. brde but not least, since the project grows it is quite important to delegate responsibility for a number of facets of the application to the team in order to engender a superior team spirit, and foster professional growth.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Never Before Told Story on What Should My Resume Look like That You Must Read or Be Left Out

The Never Before Told Story on What Should My Resume Look like That You Must Read or Be Left Out The Battle Over What Should My Resume Look like and How to Win It The absolute most important action to do when writing a cover letter is to concentrate on explaining why youre a great fit for the position and the corporation. Youve got a little window of time to have the interest of a hiring manager so brevity and focus is important. Dont forget, yur resume should always emphasize the skills, experience, and accomplishments which are most relevant to your job objectives. Therefore, if youre hoping for an interview, its critical that your resume be an impressive one. Employing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your odds of an interview, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. If youve got diverse work experiences, then attempt to filter and include only ones that are related to the job youre interested in. Attempting to score the ideal position for a line cook will require the perfect resume. How you decide to prepare the emotional atmosphere for bringing baby into the world isnt just one of the dynamics to the structure of your kids emotional awareness, but the critical element to ensuring your kid general wellbeing. You also need to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requirements of the job that youre applying for. Your experience should deal with every essential qualification in the job announcement. Clearly state what type of a job which you need and know what skill-set and experience is required to succeed in that job. Falling in love can, sometimes, feel as a sort of insanity. As a rule of thumb, you merely will need to incorporate the previous 10 to 15 decades of experience, though you might desire to include older jobs if theyre directly relevant or when youve held a position for a lengthy period. On the very first stage, you can offer only yo ur resume. Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Theres a place to be filled. For some it may be tough to condense a resume down to a single page. Just pay some attention to the formatting such that all of the info is suitably arranged and is readily readable. In a nutshell, your complete contact information must be supplied. You dont need to present any personal or private info on your resume. If your CV is just two pages but includes all appropriate info, that is fine too. Resumes are made to capture a prospective employers interest, so they might want to interview you. You may also download absolutely free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. The What Should My Resume Look like Cover Up If you own an opportunity to add more exotic meats, do it. Theres still a whole lot more to be learnt Attempt not to go over two pages, even if youve got a great deal of experience. There are var ious types of parents day gifts offered in the marketplace but prefer the perfect one which you like most. In places where a high level security is necessary, each and every folks should be recognized. Sooner or later, youll still require solid resume content to truly sell yourself to employers. Adding stories, projects and engaging content gives you a lot to speak about with your prospective employer. When there are some formatting alternatives to select from, like chronological, functional, and a mix, there are particular basics common to all. For instance, it is important to get strong problem-solving skills in the health care industry. The training will typically include things like customer service strategies, along with, a chance to learn about the company that youre going to be representing. Experience will be crucial for management slots. Even in the vorstellung you dont have a good deal of experience in an office, you most likely have many different activities below your belt that have contributed to your abilities and knowledge.